Our Platform

We provide our Platform with reasonable care, but we can’t guarantee that everything on it is correct (we get information from the Service Providers). We will do all we can to repair any errors, disruptions, or missing information as quickly as we can, but to the fullest degree allowed by law, we can’t be held liable for them.

Our Platform does not suggest or support any Service Provider or any of its tools, resources, infrastructure, cars, etc.

The agreements between you and the service provider do not include us. The Travel Experience is exclusively the Service Provider’s responsibility.

You might need to establish an Account in order to make a Booking. Please make sure all of your information is accurate and current, including payment and contact information, or you might not be able to access your travel experience (s). Please don’t allow anyone else to use your Account, and keep your login and password private since you are liable for everything that occurs while it is in their possession.

In (what we believe to be) the most appropriate language for you, we shall present the offers that are accessible to you. Alternate languages are available at any time.
To use the Platform, you must be at least 16 years old unless otherwise stated.

Our values

respect Our principles
comply with all applicable laws assist with any anti-fraud/anti-money laundering investigations we must conduct, refrain from using the Platform to create phoney bookings or create a disturbance, utilise the Travel Experience and/or Platform for its intended purposes, and refrain from causing any disruption or damage or acting inappropriately toward the Service Provider’s staff (or anyone else, for that matter).

Privacy and cookies

For more information about privacy, cookies, and how we might contact you and use your personal data, please see our Privacy and Cookies Statement before booking a place to stay, tickets, or an attraction.

For more information on how we handle your personal data when you book ground transportation, please refer to the Rentalcars.com Privacy Statement, Book2save.us Privacy Statement, or Book2save.us Privacy Statement, as applicable.

Accessibility requests

If you need anything to be more accessible:

Regarding our Platform and/or services, please get in touch with our Customer Service team. Concerning your travel experience (such as wheelchair accessibility or the presence of walk-in bathtubs), get in touch with your service provider, the airport, railway station, or other relevant location.


Please consult the policy document(s) if you purchased insurance through our platform for further details and the conditions. Insurance is not a subject of these Terms.


  • For specific goods and services, participating Service Providers provide a reduced price known as the Genius rate.
  • Members of the Book2save.us Genius programme receive special discounts. Create an Account to sign up for membership; there are no joining costs. Rates and membership are not transferrable. A certain Account and Membership are connected. Membership may also be connected to certain promotions or rewards.
  • Depending on how many Accommodation Bookings you’ve made in a specific time frame, there are several “Genius Levels.” Different travel benefits are offered at each level.
  • Any aspect of the Genius programme, such as the membership tiers and the program’s organisational structure, is subject to change.

Applicable law and forum

  • These Terms and our services shall be regulated by Dutch law (for lodging, flights, or attractions) or English law (for vehicle rentals and private/public transportation), to the degree permitted by necessary local (consumer) legislation.
  • Any disputes will only be brought before the appropriate courts in Amsterdam (for lodgings, trains, or attractions) or England and Wales (for vehicle rentals and private/public transportation), to the degree authorised by necessary local (consumer) legislation.
BOOK2SAVE INC The name must contain the word "corporation," "company," "incorporated," "limited," or an abbreviation of one of these terms. The name must not be the same as, deceptively similar to or similar to that of an existing corporate, limited liability company, or limited partnership name on file with the secretary of state. A preliminary check for "name availability" is recommended.